Hey ya all....
I saw this thing in my Nuffnang and because of me one of the billion/million customer in Malaysia then I let myself registered this kind of charity-promotion...
The title was For those Who Love To Save...
I'm pretty sure a lot of people out there love to save others..You will help/ improve other people just one click action!
As simple as ABC..Trust me...Just one click you will donate RM5 to charity that you support...
You can click HERE to help and you can review the instructions;p
Kita ni sume malas nk beramal...I knew it...bukan malas but sort of..Cuma xde ms nk pegi mengunjungi? X cukup duit nak beramal? So here we go...I suggest you to do this charity campaign....
Just click here...click there then done!
I chosed MAKNA (Majlis Kanser Malaysia) because I know lot of woman out there sufferred from cancer...
And who knows in the future we will facing that cancer? Nauzubillah....
And for this post I'm not going to used my usual signature :Ms Coci...
As for now I will used this Digi Campain Signature.....
I advertised this for non-for-profit social..If you are willing to help...Please do not hesitate to do so...
Best wishes,
Ms Coci~ |
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