Sharing is caring....Jom Streamyx...Erk..Iklan huh?
I just transfered all my ancient pictures in my HP..
Ari ni first day working..I nvr working before and I hope it will give me long-lasting good memories ever~!
Sorry for the unassigned picture like usual..malas..

This picture taken while followed my lullaby (Mr Blub) to Oil & Gas Exhibition..Baju kurung nyah??Baru balik interview mak enon oi...

Cute isn't it?LOL...~~
My most favorite 'LEPAKING' for free?Latest mag?Stay here...=p
Arghhh~~~New Moon in progressed......
Yesterday punya diet meal=p
Cute round table..Beli lah barangan Malaysia!
That's all babe...See ya...Need to get ready now..
I just transfered all my ancient pictures in my HP..
Ari ni first day working..I nvr working before and I hope it will give me long-lasting good memories ever~!
Sorry for the unassigned picture like usual..malas..

This picture taken while followed my lullaby (Mr Blub) to Oil & Gas Exhibition..Baju kurung nyah??Baru balik interview mak enon oi...
Award for Jakunest Person since I spent my 4 years-degree in Pahang..Never have been here before..Baru nak kenal Restoran Santai..sorry..x clear sgt gambo
Undesirably picture~ Tgh duduk kat Sogo..penat jln while waiting for him balik kerja..And this 3 guys 'LEPAK' like me time also!Xde kerja ke bang?=p

Cute isn't it?LOL...~~

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