Today was my first day working and out of sudden? I'm not interested to work there...
I'm working at batching plant tuan-tuan dan puan-puan sekalian...
Dah sahih dah x perlu la pakai mask 1/week after this..
Berhabuk, panas...and the most important part work Mon-Sat..Yeark!
What the hell is going on here...Hallllooo....
Koci kiut ke itew??
Huh...sabar2...Ye dengar...Wahhhh...ko keje YTL?Nama gah kn?Ye mmg..tapi keje kaw2 ah..Ni yg rasa nak terjun ke gov nih...
Then I read Shila's blog and terbit sedikit kesedaran...Yup...I never gave much thought about what I'm going to do in the future...
Dulu time kecik2 boleh la ckp 'Nak jadi cikgu, lawyer, engineeor, etc..' For God sake..I wish I never dream about being anything but Princess...!~
But frankly speaking (serious mode) I x minat bnda2 concrete nih..Siyes..I preferred being a geotechnic engineer..Ugh...
And now there's a company (Geotechnic) call for interview next monday but the sad is I sign aggreement with the YTL oledi ah tadik...Isk!
Ke mana kah arah tujuan ku...
Frankly speaking, my current job is bored and all dried up. Well, life is not that hectic as one in audit but this is just not as exciting as others did. At least to me. My soul isn't there.
And for this sentence that I copied from Shila, I think we are in the shoes...Huhu
We are!!!!Erm..relax...X minat but for life's sake (money) we need to work hard..
Dengan itu sekian la.....Insaf la anda...Kerja la kuat2..Sesungguh nya bisnes la kita beramai2..=p
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
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