Since working as a 'Kuli Batak' at Papa John I have less leisure time in my life now..
I do have spend time with my fren but less than 20 minutes...Balik keja penat gila b*b*..
Even I'm not going to work 1 day, I won't planned anything outdoor activities..I will sleep instead of pegi jalan2 cari makan...
When I was growing up, my father always had one piece of warning towards me, and he said it every evening (5pm) to me; 'Get out of the house..Find anything sporty games kiddo!' I found that thing was annoying at that moment...
I was really berat bontot you know but at the end of day tgn aku dh pegang raket badminton..=p
Thank goodness my father was as strict as Inspector, if not my body will constant or maybe more than guni..=p
Oh.,.Back to the track today I nak pegi Low Yatt...Teman my fren's brother beli laptop..
Thanks to her..Today was Saturday and I think my leisure time was 'Cuci Mata' only..Of course and I'm pretty sure 100/200% ramai orang kat tren!Yearks!
It's ok that..I always bear with that..I mean the congested in train..
Hey...Harry Porter and Half Blood Prince dah released kan?Hurmm....
Perfect Leaisure Time.....
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
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