Ada sp2 x g tgk bnda alah ni???
Haih....Penat btul...I just came back from Bukit Bintang; Low Yatt...Teman adik Yun bli notebook...
Dah siap teman...Teng....teng....Nak balik umah la planning....Time tu kol 3pm...
Sampai2 kat monorel BB station perghhh....Apehal ni...Dhla mostly pkai baju AIG merah...Isk..
Bru tringat ada game kt Bukit Jalil...
Tgk2 mcm line nk bli tiket pjg sgt g la BB smula..Mkn nasi ayam BB..Our (me and my sisters) favourite place la klu g BB..
You girls pegi la register then you can ask any questions related to health and beauty...fashion and etc...

Took it on the entrance...How dare they can asked me 'Have you bought any CLEO mag?' Kampung sgt ke muka aku tadi??=p

Actually ni yg best nih....W/pin voucher hnya 10hinggit ok pe..Got voucher Jusco RM10 and Starbucks Voucher
2 Drag some ideas:
dengki!!! dapat barang2 free!
haha...x planning pon..tp worth it ah!!~~
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