Mak Kiah.....OoooOoo Mak Kiah..
My mom asked me ehem....Semalam beli HP baru....Ini hari kereta baru...Itu rumah baru tak mo beli ka??
Begurau ke mak?Or memang mendoakan saya dapat umah esok ari?=p Aminn..
Susah betol..
And I read for my horoscope today (ye tau...haram nak pecaya..I'm not even 10% believe in it)
The Bottom Line
Budget, baby, budget. If you haven't made a summer budget, do it now. Like, today.
In Detail
Reach out! No, it's not a home-workout-video kind of reach (although that's not a bad idea, either), but a reach out into the world, to let the world (or a section of it) know what you're planning. You had a couple of terrific ideas lately, and now's a great time to go public with them. Oh, yeah, and why not set aside some time for a little living room workout? Kick those legs up! Bend those knees! Now reach! Reach! Reach!
So that's the issues mother her heart or through her mouth....Pray for your daughter's success yeah...
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