11:22 PM

New Gadget In The House

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |


Went out from house early in the morning and I met my Mr Blub...Sunrise in the sunshine day brighten with his smile=p

Love him!

I accompany him to office and I just stuck at Giant Kota Damansara Because of his Manual Pesona Car and I really can't handle that car!=p

So after 5pm (setia menunggu c dia abis kje) gerak ke Low Yatt...Hajat di hati dia hanya untuk beli printer for his office and also Bluetooth for his bro..

But finally what he stuck with??

He searching for new handphone...Aiyak...

And usually when he buy any new gadget with me I'm included also as the buyer..=p

And tadi dia beli lagi new handphone Express Music Nokia; 5730

God! I couldn't believe that! Dia beli 1 gak utk I!!

Isk..Jap g mesti dia merungut..membebel...sayang duit la..nyesal la..Isk...

Now I tgh install software ni..Isk...Selamat tinggal Express Music 5610...Welcome my New 5730...But this time I chosed Red+Black color...

OMG...mcm x caya...at last dpt gk merasa pakai Hp slide tepi...Isk...Experia x dapat Nokia ni bole lah...

Thanks Blub!~~

Good Bye My love!~

Welcome to my life!~

Pic credit to Google

2 Drag some ideas:

rebel_heart said...

Aww, how sweet was that! Lucky girl (:

Ms Coci~ said...


Lucky charm~
