Since I started working as an engineer at YTL setiap malam aku di hantui rasa 'tension' yang melampau dan rasa takut yang smpai sikit lagi nk terkucil...=p
Why you really need a car? Some people don't get it what engineers do out there..Yup today I'm not thinking about what people comment about my intention getting a car..
In office today after getting back from HUKM and Cheras site, I'm alone in office because I asked them to drop me by at there..Why?Because I can see their face getting tired bring me along to site and in the same time I need to go to another site!Isk...
Yeah I know Early stage memang susah...Tu bole la ckp klu ada public la korang yang xtau pape..Yang sakit/malu/tension sp?Aku gk....
So around 4pm I asked my friend to send me to Petronas and as usual he asked me to wait for my sister inside the Petronas..Yes..I do..And after he blah I naik taxi balik rumah la...
I cannot tell them one that I naik taxi...If not, I'm going to die la..Isk..Ok now the problem is settled..!~~
I asked that pakcik taxi to drive me to Perodua..(X thn dh..kena take an action)
And in the same time there's a promotion from Perodua; Smart Scheme..Ntah la..Kena tipu ke hape..Just isi borang dan pilih kereta...Desperate la ni nyah oiii...Klu x desperate mesti g survey mn2 dlu...Lantak la
Di pendekkan cerita I chosed this car=pJeng....jeng....jeng....
First2 pilih Myvi..Then rasa mcm x mampu plak...X dgr pon ckp sales girl dia..Yang penting ikut hati cakap mn baik...Betol x cek habaq??=p
Hopefully I can get this car ASAP!Ya Allah..................Permudah kan lah hari-hari ku...
I don't give a damn hot option for my very first car because I know I cannot afford to get anything like my dream...Bersyukur lah kalau dapat byr tiap bulan nih...
Kuih Cincin Restock!
11 years ago
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