Hi all....
What should you do when your lover softly spoken about how your dressing need to be changed?
Tego cara baik dan juga untuk kebaikan...
Currently in this few months I wore skinny jeans...Ala yang kecik bwh and he didn't like it..
And yesterday I wore slack and button blouse (all black) and dia tego kaw2...He said why you're dressing like fashionista? Hello...
I wore slack itam yg I bawa tido..Baju pon dah bekurun dh..Dia pon slalu tego np slalu pkai bju ni...dh bosan...But smlm??Isk..Kira sempoi la I rs mcm 2..
He said he preffered if I wore something 'LIGHT'..?~
I couldn't understand man...Org dressing nk bg dia bangga jln ngn kita...dia bole plak suh pkai tshirt besa...jeans besa...Baik aku jd laki je...serba serbi besa...=p
Yeappp! I understood...X seksi...But..It was me!Me and myself...susah nk tuka gaya...Aiyahhh.....Cemana nih??Pening....
Or should I tuka gaya jadi Marilyn Monroe???!~~=p
So....readers..is that ok with my dressing....?
2 Drag some ideas:
iskh ok la dressing ekau tu joyah oi....kalau ekau pakai mcm menlin monroe tu eden raso x sesuai la yah...dek kobarnyo kak enku dlm sinar.fm "BAHAYO"....sobab apo ehh bahayo?? Ahh keno tanyo bang bil...jawapanyooo...."aaaa...LU pikir la sendiri....heheheh...eden murtad kedah kojap yoo...mahap la nooo
org utara mai komen blog aku nih....berbelit lidah nk bc n fhm...hehe
kna pikiaq sndri la noh...
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