8:12 PM


Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Penat nya keja....

X keja bosan duduk d umah....

Why on earth study lama + penat klu x keja....

Jom ke Cameron Highland...

Cuci mata + melahap with strawberry cecah choc...Nyummy~~

Meleleh siott....

I ate pizza for dinner tonite and everyday my mouth lingered with Pizza which is sampai dah jadi mama bosan~ (try keje ngn cake house la=p)

Talk about Papa John, there's a girl there (19 yrs old) very annoyed me everyday she came to the outlet..!

She's that kind of smoker + grunge + tomboi + mata kuat menjeling + mulut laser + whatsoeva that related..

I think she is originally made like that behaviour but for me; insan biasa really not into it...Korang biasa ke bkawan ngan orang pekik2, x pnah senyum plak tuh...Isk....No!~

Whateva...asal dia bahagia...

And now....I'm so relief because dapat mengumpat dia senyap2...=p

Whatever it is....No body is perfect ryte...And I need to be patient with here...


Mr Blub....I need you!!!~

Nak p cni....Relese tension =p

I wish I was here one more day!!=p LOL~

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