6:46 AM


Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

I'm in LCCT now.....waiting for my flight to Labuan....

Hari ni aku nak becakap pasal kawan...kawan yang aku ada selama ini.....yang aku slalu dampingi slama ini....

Memang bukan senang nk dpt kawan yg best..best dr segi apa?of course best tu point dekat kita punya keserasian...klu x sm citarasa kita panggil bes x?Nope ryte??
Selama aku d UMP sangat ramai kawan aku yang best....Certain person ada yg smpai gaduh sbb trlampau serasi...Certain tu mmg best gak...Always happy bile bersama....erm....

Friendship isn't always easily described. Certainly, Love is one of those opportunities. And so, too, is Friendship.

Instead of different words, however, we're stuck with simple adjectives. Close friend. Best friend. Childhood friend. Intimate friend. Trusted friend. Beloved friend. But whether you use adjectives or different words, few could deny the nearly infinite meaning in such a simple word.

Friends are special people. We can't pick our family, and we're sorely limited in the number of them at any rate. Society and mores (and often our own conscience) dictate we select a single mate. But our friends can be as diverse and infinite as the adjectives we choose. Our friends, in a very real sense, reflect the choices we make in life.

I just can't stop being sad whenever I'm thinking about my frens out there...They always being so kind with me...So patient with me...How lucky I am...

*sigh* updated later....fly first..huhu

8:29 PM

Pre-Stress MOde

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Today is 10th Nivember.

Tomorrow I will have my last paper for my degree holder which is Pre-Stress Design Concrete...I just hope I can make it seems like I am relly busy and more concern with my FYP thesis hardbound...*sigh*

People surrounding keep telling me that the place for hardbound did not want to accept the htesis for hardbound anymore...But yet??Just now Cha told me that she send the thesis there and will be done by Wednesday...OOOOOhhhhh God...Damn I am really sad...Coz I send to Mimi my thesis to be hardbound at KL and it cost me RM150..erm...its ok..as long as I can get it soon and I will not have a problem when i arrived at Limbang terchenta...Yeay!!!

Erm....SO boring...(not boring test k!) I really need to hang out with my friends...I really need to release tension now...And I really miss my BoooBooo....He ask for my opinion just now...Whether buy a car or not..I say Yes Darling!You should do that...Seems like he borrowed his brother in law motorcycle going to work...I think its not a good idea ryte??Then he ask whenever Pesona SE is the best choice or not...Then I start searching through internet what the hell is Pesona SE...heheheQuite gooid because that car is the first car who have GPS in Malaysia!!....

Whatever....I need to refresh my eyes with some design now...
See you then...

7:20 PM

Exam just around the head!~

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

New post from me...


Waiting for zeratikah come back from the funeral of her atuk...My great condolence for her....
Erm.. My first paper will be on 5th Nov. Foundation Engineering...then will be on 11th Nov which is Pre-stress concrete...Yoshh!!

I am using my roomate computer now...sometimes we have our own stuff but others thing still the best..(Just when i feel like so boosaaannn with my stuff ah..err...exclude my laling=p) hihi

Too much problems to think..Too much project i need to finish..to submit..I wonder when human will stop facing their problems. Seems like life still goes on..so i have to face it whenever I like it or not..ryte?I just hope I can finish next week crystal clear and very well because y??Next week will be our (final year student) last week here before we go for industrial training. N will be meet again next year...huhuhu...

No picture can upload through this computer.. I just hope zubed will be back soon so I will stop being DISTURBIA here~LOL

Haha...This is Zubed with her big open mouth...Don't be angry darling...hihi

Sempena Hari Aids last days, (don't remember when) me, and cha and yunika went for something like show at East Coast Mall (ECM). Wow...It was a veryy touchable and heartable moment. Rugi oo you all x pegi...Each person will gv a mp3 and we entered the place(like cube box) that shows about how the victim of AIDS from Cambodia (mine), Malaysia (cha) and India can get the disease. Waaa...(Feel the moment) hehe.. Seriously...we all crying tau after klua dr tmpat tu.. So sad. I listen for the Cambodia girl named Sherlay( forgot..huhu). Her dad died when she was 10 years old. Then because of suffered with the poverty so her mom decided to move from the village. To find other places untuk cari rezeki...Poor Sherlay...her mom left her at the village.Her mom just took her brothers to the town. Then she worked at fruits stall and at that time one man introduce her (in other words SEDUCE) to worked with him. She follow the guy and when she reached at the place.......Guess what?

The room was full with bra, panties, condom, and in simple words the room for prostitute stay!! Poor her..she cannot run away at that time because the place are guarded and at that day she start 'work'. *sigh* After 2 years 'work' she start to sick...sick and she can't even go to 'work'. She went to clinic and checked her blood. And the result is she have HIV (+). So sad......
Then before we left the cube box there are counter before the exit. The 'doctor' cop our hand and guess what? The doctor don't even checked my blood but the cop our hand with HIV (+). So sad..hihihi..Ops...bracelet giving free also~~

My Hand with Yunika's....Hoho...

Till then....see ya!Muax
