8:14 AM

I think I'm a bit slim down!=p

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Lately rasa xde mud mo mkn...

I think food is not my priority of life especially dinner..

I need my Mr Blub so much...Damn it..

I think it was not a compliment being so thin lately but it was pre-disease of mine!

So scary man...

I have intention / vision/ mission to start my life everyday with this brand of healthy cereal; Kellogg's Special Cereal K..

Anyone ever tried this before?

Hurmm....Jaga la...Nak kurus macam Paris Hilton...Ops no...macam....Ntah...Sapo2 pon bleh...

Life is so easy when we are healthy right?=p

2 Drag some ideas:

Unknown said...

me also want to kurus cam u..but now, try avoid nasi, tapi xbole tahan doh..wakaka..

Ms Coci~ said...

Xtau la..Byk keje kot..hihi
