5:22 PM


Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Lack of updates..I knew it

Seems like this month I really had a headache; work problem..

Until my GM harus turun padang settle dgn GM site..


I couldn't find any free time for myself..Apatah lagi memanjakan diri..Hidup2...Nasib dengar lagu Maher Zain rasa aman sikit...Feels like I am very close to our Creator=)


Until last night my housemate insist to drink some alcohol and she brought me up..Well she's not Islam of course and I am really pleasure to accompany her=p

We went to Rainforest Sport Bar at Pavillion...

Pic kredit to Budiey

We have no idea where to go initially. Dia nak sangat pegi No Black Tie but have to pay for the live band also then x jadik.

Person like me; full with stress, full with workload in my head sesuai bangat masuk bar nih...Music dia suma remix plus very loud!

Bising sangat tp best...I don't know why...

My housemate finally get her Kiwi Martini drink.. And I get myself Banana Caramel...And Ina get Strawberry Caramel...So healthy! Haha

Apa ko ingat pegi bar kena minum alcohol? Ko nak mampos? X ingat Tuhan haa??=p

For those who loves watching sports channel then you can go here. Lot of sport channel you can watch there. .

Happy smile from my housemate...Sbb dapat minum martini..Hihi Nasib x mabuk..

Sometimes I don't get any ideas why people love to come to KL? Now I know why. KL will be more happening during night. But during day time, KL will be happening on the road. Jammed everywhere...

I don't understand...Haih..

2 Drag some ideas:

zeratikah zainal said...

pindah kuantan ar weyh.. jd plan manager YTL kt sni plak. pastu kite gi pub jln wong ah jang. kelass x? ahahahahaha.

Ms Coci~ said...


Menarik gk idea ko 2...esok aku bgtau kat GM aku ah..nk pndah Kuantan..hahhaa
