12:16 PM


Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |



Now my destiny can begin
Though we will have our differences
Something strange and new is happening
Now my life doesn't seem so bad
It's the best that I've ever had
Give my love to him finally

This is a story about my BROADBAND!! bukan tentang lagu my lovely Fergie=p

It was a very shite purchased I ever had in my life...

Long wait...until it can pleasure me very well...

Today is 4th May 2009 and I'm officially used my Broadband for the first time,..


What do you feel about this young lady??: Sucks....Because I need to confirm with the Nasaria Holding bloody hell company to get my own number of simcard....And it will take about 3 days...again......You heard me people?Again need to wait! OMG I love Celcom Broadband...Tenten...Hwatai...Aghh...Emo nye sy...Kuang3x

Arghhh...But as long as aku bole pkai enough what....x pyh susah2 nk register...pakai secara illegal....Hahahhehehehuhuh (Senyum kambing yg jahat)

Jgn la beli brangan kt PC Fair....

I understood ya all very well ( for Celcom officer that handle PC Fair) but you should know million or maybe zillion people/ customer serbo korng at that moment...Then you all should have excellent management system...Haihhh

So I really hope this matter-of-fact-i-was-the-victim wouldn't be happen again next time......

Ohh...I really hope someone from Nasaria can read through this heart-to-heart confessions.....

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