2:26 PM

Makeover Updated

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

You can see through my previous post about my makeover..

Just now I amik gamba dari dia punya olang...Aiya...manyak cantik oo dorang edit..


Anyway, this pictures are not edited by them because will be extra charged per pic...


Takpe...Next year wat lagi eh Bluby??

*Blinking eyes*

Hehe...Enjoy the pictures.....Betapa Gemmmmmzzzzz nye sy...Huh

Me with my cousin~


Trying to be funky-punky huh?

Skrg nk blagak ayu plak?Huh...Hehe

Overall?I'm not really satisfied with all this thing..I should wear BLACK blouse in the first place...Arghh....Why on earth am I wearing that gemukszz blouse??

It's ok...Next year ada lg....~~

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