7:40 PM

Tagging g ke?

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Read Zera's blog and she tagged me again with the same tagging game??

Read HERE and I xnk wat lagi wahai Zeratikah ku sayang....

Noo!!!Xnk wat lagi...malas....hehehe

Waaahhh.....Penat..Tomorrow will be my last day at Papa John..Seriously relieved!

Its not because the job is not interesting but the other clicks makes me sick of that kind of job!

Pressure yang kdg2 di buat nya kita ni pkai baju tebalik...kasut simpan kat ketiak time keje ke..

Haaa...klu mcm 2 mrh la kaw2..ni bnda x logik nk di marah kaw2....We all have our own feeling don't we?

Huh...membebel psl keja mmg xkn habis...

The most important thing is the end of this month I will get 2 gaji..Isk...Debts all over the world need to pay!


Ape korang buat ari ni?=p

0 Drag some ideas:
