1:02 PM

Should I or Should Not?

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

I don't know whether I need to fly to UMP or not...

Money? I have it... But...

Ermm....What is the most important reason that makes me really NEED to fly there? Ermm..

I don't know...maybe I need to find a good reason why I wanna fly there...Why?

Arghh....Aku x tau la...

Anyone knows? Help me then...

I just know that the date of submit the practical work will be on 26th April..It was an advantage you know...If I bough the ticket now I will have a very cheap price of ticket...

I mean around RM270.00++ la...Cheap what...Pilih lah Air Asia..=p

What is the reason...Okeh...

[1] Buy tudung for my sista's wedding...Its not like I don't trust online buying but..I need to touch and feel it...Different with wallet, handbag...I can but it on9...


[2] Submit report? Hurm...I think I want to post by Pos Laju only the report and walked arround KL and shopping.. Bugger Off!=p

[3] Meet my lovely Mr Blub? Even though I'm not coming to KL he will come here though..Because he really need to come here...I know it=p

[4] Clear my mind and resting my mind with colourful of shopping complex...I really mean it..=(

I don't know....And this time I only need my cousin to help me make decision...=(

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