12:06 PM

Hari Ku...Hari Mu....

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

“She makes you laugh, makes you cry, but in the end it makes you feel good”

I just took this phrase from the book that I borrowed from Library today.

Registration cost me : RM4.00

Then the librarian took time to search my name from previous record. ( Dia takut aku ade wat kes ilang kan buku, so g buat kad baru..Huh=p)

Today is Friday but I make decision just dwell at office because I don't want to be a monk daughter to my father asked him to fetch me up everytime.

This two books I borrowed from library today. Quite interesting I tell you...=p

My 'healthy' lunch for today..Oh..I miss to eat at home:-(

Because of I felt very inconvenient with my previous facial foam, then I bought this one. Hopefully it will have acquaintances effect with my own face=p

Why pinky stilettos senyap eh? rindu nk bc blog dia=p

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