10:03 AM

My Ceret Day...-(

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

Well...yesterday is my 'big day'....

Arrived at office....Hurm...Muka dah poyo...Thn sakit perut, nk muntah...uwek2...adoi...!

Then g jln2...x buka g buku log...

Jam 9 I can't stand myself being a hypocrite. Try to sleep on my desk...Zreeett...(air liur kua2)hehe Sorry...I cannot help that..=p

Then finally...I terpaksa col my daddy...Please...Please Let me Go from this office=p

Hehe...Then I go back...
Tdo trus...

Food Poisoning...That is because I'm acting like a monk in the office..Huh..

Just fyi.....
Its been a long time seen I have that food Poisoning.. *sigh*

New books that I borrowed...So sweet u know this 2 books..~

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