12:18 PM

Me and My Books~

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |

So today I borrowed 3 more books after finished the 3 books that I borrowed last week. My friends said x abes2 ngn buku..jd ulat baru tau=p..

Its ok then…Me loike it…=p

The 3 new books that I borrowed just now; 1 English Fiction and 2 Malay Fiction

a) Shopaholic & Sister by Sophie Kinsella

b) Masih Ada Rindu dari Mimie Afinie

c) Sutera Kasih dari Sirhan Ansari

I can’t wait to read all of it especially Sophie’s book ;p

Nothing to do in office..’Mengular’ je keje…haih…apo nk jd..den pon xtaw…

Cam whoring kt upis=p

Cam whoring before g keje...Kampung ku;p

Sekarang nih musim langsat.....urm....manis....

My dad sanggup tuh berdiri terpacak kaku lagi dpn tong smpah..semata-mata nk mkn langsat=p

Keadaan meja ku d ofis ari ni...messy..ok ape..hehe

The 3 books for this week...

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