4:13 PM


Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |


There's a sound that really irritate me: drilll....drillll.....drilllll...from upstairs and it was really annoying!!!

Arghh....Sorry for being messed up here but the sound of tukang drill above really depressed me...

Awww.....Oh..shut up!!

Eeeee.....PMS mmg menyusahkan...orang drill pon nk mrh..psg la lagu weh kuat2...

Buka radio?Ermmm lagu MJ je yg brkumandang...Boring..

Aishhh....Stop please!!I'm begging you idio*!


What to do?I need to rearrange my life to become snippets-super massive-colourful-enjoy lifestyle...

How?Now...we need a list!And also I really need to motivated myself....Smile always..

Come and start!~

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