7:51 PM

LipIce Contest Finalist!

Lullaby written by Ms Coci~ |


Tadi time nak pegi keje there's a cobaan 1,2,3 for Lip Ice contestant...There's 12 finalsit there and only 2 girls wearing scarf...

I tercarik2 kot ada blogger yg I knal..

Xde pon..

I x sempat tgk tadi sapa yg menang..


Age range for the finalist; 15-25 yrs old...

I loike 1 finalist and I couldn't remeber her name but she's wearing tudung and she is 25 yrs old and a secreatary..

I like watching her..her style n etc....

Sapa menang????

I'll update the pic later~

2 Drag some ideas:

Unknown said...

yg pakai tudung tula yg menang..nama die diyana =)

Ms Coci~ said...

Oh...ye ke...

x silap mata i memandang....=p
